In this blog, we will see how we can secure our azure functions with API Keys and use swagger for API documentation. Swagger is an Interface Description Language for describing RESTful APIs expressed using JSON. If you want to learn more about azure function. Please look into my previous blog (link) about azure function to create rest serverless api .
There are multiple ways to secure your Azure Functions like
API Keys, API Management, App Service Authentication (App registration in
active directory), etc. If you want to make a start with minimal effort and
less setup of Infrastructure, then API Keys is the ideal choice.
Azure Functions allows you to secure HTTP-triggered
functions by API access key in the request. We can send HTTP request with help
of Swagger, Postman, JavaScript etc. As part of creating new Azure Functions, we
can select the Authorization Level enum value.
Azure Functions with Swagger UI
I am creating new project in
visual studio 2019 to demonstrate. How we can add swagger ui in azure function.
We need follow below steps.
1. Open visual studio 2019 and create new azure function project with name FunctionApp.Swagger
Choose option as above screen.
If you want to add swagger UI in API make sure you have selected Http
Trigger with OpenAPI option.
In this project we are using Function
level Authorization. When we set Authorization level then need to pass authentication
token to access the resource. We will pass API key as authentication token with
HTTP request
Once all information filled as
above then we will click on create button. It will create Function1 as below
If we run the azure function
with help of Visual studio 2019. It will open console window with swagger ui
url as above screen. In my case azure function swagger UI is http://localhost:7071/api/swagger/ui
If we open the swagger ui url
in browser it will display like this and we can make HTTP request
When we run application in localhost,
we don’t need to pass API key in Swagger UI. It will execute our HTTP request
without it. Once we deploy the application in Azure then need to pass API key by
clicking on Authorize
You can see swagger UI added in our API and we
can make HTTP request directly from browser with help of swagger
9. Now we ready to deploy application Azure.
Consume Azure Function
Once our application tested in local machine then we need to
deploy it on Azure. I have created new azure function (djblogsfuncappwithswagger)
in Azure with help of portal. Once azure function created in azure then we need
to download the publish profile and publish our code directly from visual
studio 2019.
Need to follow below steps to publish azure function in Azure
Created new azure function (djblogsfuncappwithswagger)
with consumption app service plan in portal
Once azure function created
then need to download publish profile to publish azure function code from
visual studio 2019 as below
Once azure function published in
Azure then we can make HTTP request with help of swagger UI.
When we run API in browser
without API Key it will give this Unauthorized error
401 Error: Unauthorized
We can get API key from Azure function.
Need to open azure portal and go to azure function there is default API key.
This is created by default when azure function created. If you want you can create multiple keys as per
our requirement
6. We will copy the default key from functions keys and add that key in swagger authorize as below screen.
Once key added in Swagger UI Authorize
and then we try to make HTTP request. It will be executed with HTTP code 200.
We can make the HTTP request
from Postman as well by adding x-functions-key in HTTP request header
like below screen shot.
Same way we can make request
from JavaScript and jQuery as well.
GitHub Link:
I have uploaded code in GitHub. You can download code from
Hope it will help you give little idea about authorization
and authentication of Azure functions
Keep sharing keep learning. Cheers
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