Tuesday, April 6, 2021

What is Azure Content Delivery Network

A content delivery network (CDN) is a distributed network of servers that can efficiently deliver web content to users. CDNs store cached content on edge servers that are close to end users to minimize latency.

CDNs are typically used to deliver static content such as images, style sheets, documents, client-side scripts, and HTML pages. The major advantages of using a CDN are lower latency and faster delivery of content to users, regardless of their geographical location in relation to the datacenter where the application is hosted. CDNs can also help to reduce load on a web application, because the application does not have to service requests for the content that is hosted in the CDN.

Before CDN vs After CDN

We can add multiple endpoints inside one Azure content delivery networks service. In above image I have created new Static Web App in Blazor and hosted in azure storage account. If you want to learn more about this app. Please read my previous post. Howto host static website in azure storage?

In this blog I will add static web app into Azure CDN profile endpoint.

Static Web App URL: https://djblogs.z19.web.core.windows.net/

Azure CDN Endpoint: https://djblogs.azureedge.net


How to create Azure Content Delivery Network

We need to follow below steps to create Azure Content Delivery Network service.

1.       Go to azure portal https://portal.azure.com

2.       Once we login in portal then need to create new CDN profile.

3.       Once we fill all this information then click on create button it will create CDN profile as below

4.       We can add multiple endpoint in one CDN profile. Name enter a unique name for the new CDN endpoint. This name is used to access your cached resources at the domain <endpointname>. azureedge.net.

URL: https://djblogs.azureedge.net

5.       In above screen I am using my existing static web app (Blazor) which hosted in storage account. 

      Static web app (Blazor) hosted in storage account: https://djblogs.z19.web.core.windows.net


6.       Once all the information filled as above click on Add. It will create end point for CDN profile.

URL: https://djblogs.azureedge.net

Hope it will help you to understand Azure CDN and how you can use them.

Keep sharing keep learning. Cheers


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  3. https://www.floraindia.com/cake-delivery/delhi.html Thunderstone is a deck-building game by Mike Elliott, published in 2009, one year after Dominion hit the market, creating a frenzy with the introduction of a hot combination of game mechanics: deck building and card drafting. In games using these mechanics, players choose cards from a common pool layed out on the table, and try to gradually built the best deck of cards with which they will acquire the most victory points. The theme of such games may differ but the main idea remains the same. With this review we will look at 2 games, the original Thunderstone released in 2009 and the new Thunderstone Advance, which is a new improved implementation of the original game.

  4. Azure Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a distributed network of servers that deliver web content, including videos, images, scripts, and more. What Best Windows It enhances the performance and scalability of websites or applications by caching content closer to end-users, reducing load times and improving overall user experience.

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